Friends of Haiti:

school selfieAn update on Terry: Another round of blood work was done during September. While some tests were not to bad others were not as good as they had been. Some T-helper cells (I’ll let you Google that) are low and that can point to more than one problem; her platelet count is down as well. All of it points to the fact her immune system is not recovering very quickly. She had another throat infection, which makes three since mid July. By the time the dinner hour comes around she is pretty much beat, so prayers for her are still very much in need.

Since we have been sending pictures of our school kids, we guess in staying with the times we need to add at least one “selfie” to the mix. The picture of Steve and the kids were taken in the village of Bayelle at Beaubrun’s school. The other shows one of the school kids at the same school enjoying a bowl of beans and rice. Her name is Kimberly and is the daughter of one of the teachers in the school.

school lunchAll of these kids are very blessed and for several reasons. First, by the school, which some of you sponsor or support in one way or another, taking that burden from their parents. Second, by the feeding program, where they not only receive a good meal but vitamins as well. Finally, by the daily Bible lessons they receive as a part of their school work. It all adds up to happy, healthy kids. Terry and I are blessed to have you helping provide these things for them.

Thank you for the cards sent and prayer’s offered for Terry and as always thank you for helping us to help our friends in Haiti.

Steve and Terry